The root PyMP package contains all basic pymp objects such as Signal , Approx and abstract classes Dico, Atom and Block
The main class is Signal, it can be instantiated from a numpy array using the main constructor (multichannel is allowed).
It can also be created from a file on the disk using the path as argument in the constructor
Longer Signals are handled with LongSignal objects.
- class PyMP.signals.Signal(data=[], Fs=0, normalize=False, mono=False, debug_level=None)¶
This file defines the main class handling audio signal in the Pymp Framework.
A Signal is fairly a numpy array (called data) and a collection of attributes. Longer signals should not be loaded in memory. the LongSignal class allows to define this kind of signal, and slice it in frames overlapping or not.
- For use in the PyMP framework, other methods need to be defined:
- add() : adds an atom waveform to the current signal and updates energy subtract() : the opposite operation
data array a numpy array containing the signal data channel_num int The number of channel length int The length in samples (integer) of the signal (total dimension of the numpy array is channel_num x length) fs int The sampling frequency location str , optional Where the original file is located on the disk sample_width int Various bit format exist for wav file, this allows to handle it is_normalized bool A boolean telling is the numpy array has been normalized (which here means its values are between -1 and 1) energy float The energy ( ) of the array
- add(atom)¶
adds the contribution of the atom at the position specified by the atom.timeLocalization property
- crop(startIndex=0, stopIndex=None)¶
cropping routine, usage is quite obvious
- depad(zero_pad)¶
Remove zeroes from the edges WARNING: no test on the deleted data: make sure these are zeroes!
- downsample(newFs)¶
downsampling the signal by taking only a portion of the data
- get_duration()¶
returns the duration in seconds
- normalize()¶
makes sure all values of the array are between -1 and 1 CAUTION: this is an amplitude normalization not an energy one
- pad(zero_pad)¶
Pad edges with zeroes
- play(prevent_too_long=True, int_type=<type 'numpy.int16'>)¶
EXPERIMENTAL: routine to play the signal using wave and pyaudio
- plot(pltStr='b-', legend=None)¶
DEPRECATED plot the array using matplotlib
- resample(newFs)¶
resampling the signal
- spectrogram(wsize=512, tstep=256, order=2, log=False, ax=None, cmap=None, cbar=True)¶
Compute and plot the (absolute value) spectrogram of the signal
Based on a short-time fourier transform
Parameters : wsize : int
length of the STFT window in samples (must be a multiple of 4)
tstep : int , opt
step between successive windows in samples (must be a multiple of 2, a divider of wsize and smaller than wsize/2) (default: wsize/2)
order : int, opt
1 will have the Magnitude Spectrum, 2 the Power Spectrum
log : bool, opt
Set to True for the log-spectrogram
- subtract(atom, debug=0, prevent_energy_increase=True)¶
Subtracts the atom waveform from the signal, at the position specified by the atom.timeLocalization property if prevent_energy_increase is True, an error will be raised if subtracting the atom increases the signal’s energy
- wigner_plot(window=True)¶
Calculate the wigner ville distribution and plots it WARNING: not sufficiently tested!
- window(K)¶
apply a sine window on norders
- write(fileOutputPath, pad=0)¶
Write the current signal at the specified location in wav format
This is done using the wave python library
- class PyMP.signals.LongSignal(filepath, frame_size=49152, frame_duration=None, mono=False, Noverlap=0)¶
A class handling long audio signals
Subclass of Signal where the data is not loaded at once for memory consumptions purposes Instead, the data is sliced in frames that can be loaded later individually. very useful to process large files such as audio archivesAttributes
The main class is Approx. It describe an approximant of a signal. This object handles MP constructed approximations. It isis quite similar in nature to the MPTK [1] Book object but allows further manipulations in python such as plotting the time frequency distribution of atoms
An approximant can be manipulated in various ways. Obviously atoms can be edited by several methods among which PyMP.Approx.add() , remove() and filterAtom()
Measure of distorsion can be estimated by the method Approx.compute_srr()
Approx objets can be exported in various formats using to_dico() , to_sparse_array() , to_array() , write_to_xml() , dumpToDisk() ,
and reversely can be recovered from these formats
A useful plotting routine, plot_tf() is provided to visualize atom distribution in the time frequency plane Also an experimental 3D plot taking the atom iteration number as a depth parameter plot_3d()
- class PyMP.approx.Approx(dico=None, atoms=[], original_signal=None, length=0, Fs=0, debug_level=None)¶
The approx class encapsulate the approximation that is iteratively being constructed by a greed algorithm
dico BaseDico the dictionary (as a BaseDico object) from which it has been constructed atoms list a list of BaseAtom objets atom_number int the length of the atoms list srr float the Signal to Residual Ratio achieved by the approximation original_signal Signal a Signal object that is the original signal length int Length in samples of the time signal, same as the one of original_signal recomposed_signal Signal a Signal objet for the reconstructed signal (as the weighted sum of atoms specified in the atoms list) Methods
- add(newAtom, clean=False, noWf=False)¶
this function adds an atom to the collection and updates the internal signal approximant
- compute_srr(residual=None)¶
routine to compute approximation Signal To Residual ratio so far using:
rac{| ilde{x} |^2}{| ilde{x} - x |^2}
where :math:` ilde{x}` is the reconstructed signal andthe original
- filter_atoms(scale=0, time_interv=None, freq_interv=None)¶
Filter the atom list by the given criterion, returns an new approximant object
- get_neighbors(atom)¶
returns the atom neighbor indexes
- plot_3d(itStep, fig=None)¶
Creates a 3D Time-Frequency plot with various steps NOT WORKING below 0.99 EXPERIMENTAL
- plot_tf(labelX=True, labelY=True, fontsize=12, ylim=None, patchColor=None, labelColor=None, multicolor=False, axes=None, maxAtoms=None, recenter=None, keepValues=False, french=False, Alpha=False, logF=False, cmap=None)¶
A time Frequency plot routine using Matplotlib
each atom of the approx is plotted in a time-frequency plane with a gray scale for amplitudes Many options are available:
- labelX : whether or not to add the Time label on the X axis
- labelY : whether or not to add the Frequency label on the Y axis
- fontsize : the label fontSize
- ylim : the frequency range of the plot
- patchColor : specify a single color for all atoms
- maxAtoms : specify a maximum number of atom to take into account. Usually atoms are ordered by decreasing amplitude due to MP rules, meaning only the most salient atoms will be plotted
- recenter : a couple of values to offset the time and frequency localization of atoms
- keepValues : use atom Amplitudes for atom colorations
- french : all labels in french
- Alpha : use transparency
- logF : frequency axis in logarithmic scale
- remove(atom, position=None)¶
We need a routine to remove an atom , by default the last atom is removed
- synthesize(method=0, forceReSynthesis=True)¶
function that will synthesise the approximant using the list of atoms this is mostly DEPRECATED
- to_array()¶
Returns the approximant as an array object , key is the index of the atom and value is its amplitude
- to_dico()¶
Returns the approximant as a sparse dictionary object , key is the index of the atom and values are atom objects
- to_sparse_array()¶
Returns the approximant as a sparse dictionary object , key is the index of the atom and value is its amplitude
- update(atom_indexes, new_weights, update_rec=False)¶
update atom values (e.g. after projection) and the recomposed_signal instance
- class PyMP.base.BaseAtom¶
Abstract Atom class interface:
To implement a new type of atom, you must derive from this class.
nature: str A string describing the atom type (e.g MDCT, MCLT , GaborReal) default is MDCT length: int, optional Sample length of the atom (default is 0) timePosition int The index of the first atom sample in a signal Methods
- class PyMP.base.BaseDico¶
This class creates an interface that any type of dictionary should reproduce in order to be used correclty by Pursuit algorithm in this framework:
sizes: a list of scales
- blocks: a list of blocks that handles the projection of a residual signal along with
the selection of a projection maximum given a transform and a criteria
- get_pad()¶
the amount of zeroes that need to be added on the sides
- class PyMP.base.BaseBlock¶
A block is an instance handling projections for Matching Pursuit.
- Mandatory fields:
- type : the type of dictionary (e.g Gabor , MDCT , Haar ...)
- scale : the scale of the block
- residualSignal : a py_pursuit_Signal instance that describes the current residual
- Mandatory methods
- update : updates the inner products table
- getMaximum : retrieve the maximum absolute value of inner products
- getMaxAtom : return a corresponding Atom instance