This tutorial will describe how PyMP works, and mostly how to use it to perform audio signal decompositions on multiscale MDCT dictionaries for any question feel free to contact me ( Documentation for the modules that we’re using here is provided in the next sections.
In this example, the standard algorithm is used to decomposed the glockenspiel signal over a union of 3 MDCT basis:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from PyMP import Signal, mp
>>> from PyMP.approx import Approx
>>> from PyMP.mdct import Dico
>>> scales = [128, 1024, 8192]
>>> n_atoms = 500
>>> srr = 50
>>> signal = Signal('data/glocs.wav', mono=True, normalize=True)
>>> signal.crop(0, 3.5 * signal.fs)
>>> signal.pad(8192)
>>> dico = Dico(scales)
>>> approx, decay =, dico, srr, n_atoms)
IMPORTANT: the fact that we know it’s the standard algorithm that is used is because we choosed a Dico object as dictionary.
First plot (a) is the original glockenspiel waveform. (b) presents the 3 MDCT (absolute values) considered. (c) is the reconstructed signal, accessible via:
>>> approx.recomposed_signal
Signal object located in
length: 144768
energy of 1812.389
sampling frequency 32000
number of channels 1
and (d) is the time-frequency plot of the 1000 atoms that have been used to approximate the original glockenspiel signal
(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)
You can evaluate the quality of the approximation:
>>> approx.compute_srr()
and save the result in various formats (see the Approx documentation):
>>> approx.recomposed_signal.write('outPutPath.wav')
To run a locally adaptive (or optimized) MP, all we have to do is to pick a LODico object as a dictionary. The internal routines of its blocks will perform the local optimization so that at our level this is quite transparent:
>>> from PyMP.mdct import LODico
>>> mp_approx, mp_decay =, Dico(scales), srr, n_atoms, pad=True)
>>> lomp_approx, lomp_decay =, LODico(scales), srr, n_atoms, pad=True)
(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)
In addition to plotting, we can compare the quality of the approximations, given a fixed number of atoms (here 500):
>>> print mp_approx
Approx Object: 500 atoms, SRR of 19.17 dB
>>> print lomp_approx
Approx Object: 500 atoms, SRR of 23.27 dB
The locally adaptive Matching pursuit has yielded a better decomposition (in the sense of mean squared error). Alternatively one can verify that for a given level of SRR, LoMP will use a smaller number of atoms.
RSSMP is explained in the journal paper .
Implementation of RSSMP is quite transparent, it’s done through the use of a SequenceDico object as dictionary:
>>> from PyMP.mdct.rand import SequenceDico
>>> seq_dico = SequenceDico(scales, 'random')
We can now compare the three strategies in terms of normalized reconstruction error
This gives the following results:
(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)
And that’s it.